Baby updates
I had my baby shower last weekend and got spoiled rotten! (and loved every minute of it!) My sister Samantha was in town and it was a great time for the shower so her and her family could be there too. Lots of friends and family came and showered Tyler and I with great gifts to get us started. We got clothes, our bed set, bath accessories, toys, pretty much anything you can think of! We played games, and ate some veggies, and had yummy cake! Thank you to all of my family and friends who thought of us on this day!
Also here is me and my best girl Nicki who is due just 3 weeks before me! Though I look like I am about to pop and she doesn't look pregnant from this view! She has an adorable little baby bump and little Raylee will be here the first part of October! I can't wait for October and for these babies to get here!
Here I am with Trav's Grandma Arlene, Aunt Cammie, Mom Andie, and sister Kelsie.
And last but not least... My mom and I! (love you!)I had a doctor's apt this week and they said everything is going good. I did get a prescription for iron pills because even tho I am taking an iron supplement it seems to not be enough. Also because I developed Pre-Eclampsia with Zach they will be monitoring me a little closer this time. I have another ultra sound in a couple of weeks just to check Tyler's growth and make sure everything is as should be. I am currently 28 weeks.... and with doing the C-section a week before my due date, we have just 11 weeks left... I can't believe it! Tyler is so active and all over the place. We even have started seeing what looks to be feet, hands, and his head sticking out of my belly. And sometimes... It hurts! But mostly I enjoy it. I know I will be sad to not feel him moving around in my belly once he is born! As always, will keep you updated on what comes next!

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