So today we had our (most likely) last ultrasound. The doctor wanted to check Tyler's growth to make sure he was growing good and not heading towards Pre-eclampsia like with Zach.
As you can hopefully see in this picture we got a great face shot, with his hand covering the right side of his face. He looks like he might have Trav's chubby cheeks. :-) I love being able to see his little nose, eyes and lips in this picture and it makes me even more excited for October to get here and hold my little guy!
The ultrasound tech said that Tyler weighs in at 3lbs. 7oz! I was very excited about this news. This means that he is growing at a normal pace, and right where he should be.
And for those of you who already are familiar, this means he is only 1 oz. less than what Zach weighed at birth (34 weeks) So this is really great news. Hopefully Tyler will be patient and will come in October when he is scheduled! I am really feeling great and hopeful that everything will go smooth! And I can't wait to welcome this little boy to the Greer family!
Aw, such a sweet picture! Ryan had cheeks just like that in the ultrasounds I had. They were the same when he came out and still has them. Love them!! Glad to hear that everything is going well.
ReplyDeleteTravis was quite the proud papa showing this picture off around work! Glad to hear everything looks great and he's growing good!! Can't wait for October. It'll be here before we all know it!!