24 week bumpdate!

How far along: 24 weeks

Total weight gain: 12 pounds

Sleep: It's really hit and miss. Some nights I sleep great,
and others I can't catch a break!

Gender: We are Team Green, So we'll find out in September!

Names: *I think* we might have narrowed it down a little more.
I have 2 top boy and 2 top girl names.
And I think Travis is on board with both.
But for real, that could change by tomorrow!
(Though I hope not!)

Stretch marks: No new ones

Best moment this week: I had a foot, or a knee... or something poking out
of my side yesterday and my mom got to feel it. I love playing "guess the body part"
as the little peanut stretches! :)

Movement: Lots and lots of it. There seem to be 3 main times right now.
Early morning when I first wake up. Early day. (Like noonish or so)
and evening right after I lay down for bed.
There are other times but those are the dance party times.

Food cravings: I am back to sugar cookies....
Other than that, I don't really think so

Labor signs:
Not even close.

Belly button - innie or outie: in

What are you looking forward to this week: Two things: First, Viability! 
At this point, if the little peanut 
decided to make their entrance, they have around a 50% chance of survival. 
That is a huge increase from just last week alone! Each week the baby hangs out
makes things even better for all of us!

Second, Zach has a family picnic this week! 
Excited for Tyler and I to join him for that.

Health: Feeling pretty good.
I'm still tired a lot. And from my belly down aches a lot.
My hips and heels hurt most of the time.

My next OB appointment is 6/20 and then {{I think}} I start going every 2 weeks!
I can't believe I am at that point already!


  1. Has people took guesses? I would love to guess lol. Having 4 I feel like I am a pro! Haha! You have a CUTE belly! Mine was EVERYWHERE!!!

  2. Thanks Lisa!

    Crystal- up on the right side you can vote for what sex you think the baby will me! Have at it! :) And thank you!

  3. what a cute questionnaire! you look awesome! found you via the link up xo
