Freezer Meal Preperation

It's that time where I feel like, since I have less than 90 
days until this baby will be here, that I guess I'd better start doing something! 

I've been planning my freezer meals.

When Tyler was born, I made a lot of food.
And a lot of the same things. And in bigger amounts too.
I'd get a dish out of the freezer, we'd eat it for dinner
and then have it for leftovers the next night.

So this time I will be doing things a little different. 
I will be making smaller portions
so that we have dinner. And maybe a little for lunch the next day, 
but not so much that we have a full meal the next night too. 
Mainly because we got sick of our "regulars" pretty quick.

Right now this is just a list.
Hopefully I will get the recipes added on soon. 

This is what I am planning to make and freeze:

Chicken enchiladas (7 per square pan)
Beef enchiladas (7 per square pan) 
Chicken/beef enchiladas (6 per square pan)
Johnny Mazette  (1 batch split into 2 square pans)
Meat loaf ( x2 rectangle loaves )
Macaroni and cheese ( x 2 rectangle loaves)
Pesto Alfredo lasagna (1 batch into 2 square pans)
Beef lasagna (x2 square pans)

Freezer burritos
Meatballs for spaghetti
breakfast burritos

Banana bread
Oatmeal cookies
Chocolate chip cookies

Stuff on hand for:
Taco Soup
Potato Soup
Chicken Tacos

This gives us 11 (frozen) meals and I will have stuff on hand for sides.
Plus we have some snacks, burritos for a quick breakfast or lunch,
and I will have normal things on hand/stocked up for a few other meals, 
like spaghetti, tacos, the soups, etc.
This should keep us pretty stocked except for fruits/veggies, milk, etc
that I will stock up right before d-day and stock as needed.
(Not to mention my Mom says to leave something for her to make!)

If you make freezer meals, what works for your family?
What are things you wish you'd had? Or done differently?
Have a recipe I should try? Let me know! 


  1. Will you be posting your recipes? Some of your ideas sound wonderful. I have never made meals ahead of time to freeze. I am very interested on how you seal them.

  2. Jolene- I will be posting the recipes, soon hopefully. When I have made freezer meals in the past I use the aluminum foil pans and put foil over the top. They typically will last in my deep freeze for around 3-4 months. The burritos I wrap individually in foil and then package multiple of them into a large freezer bag.

  3. aww man I so need to do this again - we ate everything pre-made thing in our freezer within first 2 months of Gabe's arrival (probably should have rationed more). PLEASE post your recipes cause I'm desperate for something other than chili, stew and soups. xo
