August/September Goals
September, for real! I have been waiting for you all year! This is my baby birth month! And I am excited to have a September baby!!! Even though another month has flown by, but I feel like I got a lot done! My main goal for August was freezer meals and boy ties, and while neither of those things got done, a lot of others did get completed! The project I have been working on for Tyler's room is complete and needs to be hung up, so I will show pictures once that is done. Also, I have been making some little gift bags for the boysfrom their little brother or sister. I have collected all sorts of goodies, and after the baby is here I will be sharing those bags! As for the ties, should I make something like this?or something like this?They are both so cute, I can't decide! :) For September, I really don't want to make many goals.I know that I will be so busy with getting last minute things done around the housefor the first half of the month.And cuddling a sweet little baby and recovering for the second half. As far as what I still have to get ready? -I would really like to clean the carpets, and I am hoping that maybe this weekend it'll get done. -Also, I need to pack my hospital bag, which I'll do this weekend. -I want to make sure laundry/dishes are done at all times so I don't have to worry about that while I am in the hospital, or when I come home. -I have been making sure the house is just clean in general. -I might try this week to make some little ties for a boybut I'm really not going to go out of my way to get them done. -That project I have been working on for Tyler's room? Well,I am going to be making that for this next baby too and if I have a boy I will make them the same color as Tyler's, but if it's a girl, I might change it up a little,so I'll have that project too. And it's pretty time consuming. -I thought about making theseBut I think I will wait until the baby is here to know what colors I wantAnd I found this on Pinterest, of course, but the link is no good, otherwise I'd share it! -Really, it's just odds and ends to do to be ready!

I'm so excited for you!! I wish I could come to your house and just clean it for you so you don't have to worry this month. I totally know how it feels to be sitting in the hospital and thinking.. oh yeah I forgot to do that.
ReplyDeleteI also really love the bowties (second picture) & the chevron onesies.. Boo for the link being bad!
Looks like you have very reachable goals! I wouldn't worry too much! :)
Well Katlyn, you ARE just over the mountains... So I will let you come clean if you'd like! lol. Ya right, I'd clean before you got here so you didn't see all my dust hanging around! :)