Weigh in Wednesday
I'm back after skipping last week- I have felt little motivation and it's hard to want to motivate otherswhen I feel that I have so little! But I'm working hard to stay exercising, drinking water and just making better choices. I didn't exercise every day. I drank several sodas, and more coffee than I should.
But this is a new week. I am drinking water, no coffee or soda and am back on the exercise wagon.
One thing I have learned about myself over the past several months is that I eat when I am BORED!You'd think with 3 kids I wouldn't be bored. Believe me, they keep me plenty busy. But the times of day that I eat the most is during nap time, which is anywhere from 11-3. And after the kids are in bed,which is from about 8:30 on. I snack. I eat left overs, I eat buttery popcorn, I eat chips, I eat ice cream, I eat whatever I can get my hands on.
This weekend I made sure that my house is stocked with apples and oranges and whatever snacks I could find that I wouldn't feel totally guilty about after eating. And because I have been so on and off with my exercising I just decided to start the "starter" exercises again.
When you feel like you are taking the wrong path, what do you do to get yourself back together?What are your favorite healthy, or "guilt free" snacks?

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