How to have fun in our house?

You make a chalkboard wall....

I have been wanting one of these for quite a while but I couldn't quite get Travis on board. After a lot of working on him he finally caved and we went and bought the paint. He kept trying to convince me to use a different wall than I wanted, but finally- actually while he was at work, I painted!

Here it is going on

After one coat

After two coats

After three coats


 (Sorry for my terrible picture with a shadow- I primed the chalkboard at about 11 pm)

and complete!

This was so much fun to make and everyone in the house, except Summer, has played on this chalkboard! I am so glad I made it! Tyler especially loves to draw and really loves to draw on everyone else's pictures! Right now we have a HUGE count down to school being out on the top half!

 photo siggy.jpg


  1. Wow this is really cute! I've never thought of having a full chalkboard wall, but I used chalkboard paint on herb pots etc. A family friend of ours writes up what they're having for dinner on a large ornate chalkboard and it looks really striking, and it stopped the kids nagging 'what's for dinner?' haha.

  2. oh my gosh I love that! Did you buy the paint or make it? Found you from the hop!!

  3. This is so awesome!! Now following you, your blog is beautiful :)

    xo, Ainslee

  4. That's such a great idea! So fun! I'm a new follower from the blog hop and would really appreciate a follow back at New Mrs. Adventures

    Thanks so much!

  5. Not a new follower, but stopping by to say hi as part of the Life of a not so ordinary wife blog hop. I LOVE a great chalkboard wall...I really wish my husband would get on board. It may have to be a "while you were away" project during his next trip. :)
    xoxo Angela

  6. That's great. But you prime after you paint the chalkboard paint? sorry I'm a novice so it might be a silly question but I thought primer was before you painted? Trying to get hubby to do it, will take forever. I wanted to try it myself. I know where I want to put it as I have the same problem. One child who likes to draw and one child who likes to scribble over the other's drawing.

  7. This looks awesome and not too complicated!
