KY Yours + Mine Date Night

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #YoursandMine #CollectiveBias

I know I'm not the only parent that is looking to bring a little more romance into my relationship during the new year. Don't get me wrong, Travis and I have a great relationship. We love each other, we communicate well with each other, we have fun and laugh, but since having the two little kids our bedroom relationship hasn't been all that it should be. That is why this last weekend I headed out to Walmart and picked up K-Y® YOURS+MINE  to add a little spice in the bedroom.

Turning up the heat in the bedroom isn't the only way to bring back some romance. Here are a few more steps you can take to get in sync with your spouse and bring back the romance.


Go on a date- Travis and I used to never go on dates. It's not that we didn't want to but we had kids, work, a house to take care of- and we just didn't make the time for the two of us. But my mom finally suggested that her and my dad would come over once a month and watch the kids to we could get out of the house for a few hours. We made it a goal not to spend the entire time talking about the kids, work and house. I have to say, it's been great. We have great conversation, try new restaurants that we hadn't before, go to concerts and do wine tastings.


Do things apart from one another- While we both enjoy our date nights and our time together (like our upcoming trip to Hawaii!) it's important to do things apart from each other as well. Travis loves to fish and he spends two weeks each Fall off hunting with his dad. He has very limited phone service and I usually only talk to him ever few days.  I've done some scrapbook retreats/ concert weekends with my friends, and I sew and participate in a book club- and while I look forward to our time apart and the things that I can accomplish while he is away, I'm always looking forward to him coming home after just a few days.

Touch- Even outside the bedroom doors, touching is important. One of my favorite things is hold Travis' hand when we are walking into a store, or down the street, or just sitting on the couch.  Cuddling while watching a movie, wrapped up in a blanket, and kisses don't have to be long and deep to be passionate. When you go to bed, try to touch. Whether is be cuddled up, or just your feet. - This is one I need to work on. When I am ready to sleep I'm like, "You stay on your side, I'll stay on mine".

Be on the same team- Be supportive of each other, be kind to each other. Don't call names, always use manners, don't generalize, or interrupt, don't cuss and don't keep secrets. After all, you are in this together. You are much more likely to feel romantic and more connected if you have a positive relationship.


Focus on all your spouse does do- I know it is easy to point out how many diapers you've changed in a row, or how they never do the laundry! I know I'm guilty! But instead try to focus on how hard they work at their job. Focus on how they keep the cars kept up and safe, or how they read the same stories to your daughter, three times in a row, before bed. I know you do a lot, but remember that so do they- and that is pretty sexy!


I know sometimes putting romance in your life with little ones isn't easy. Believe me, Summer slept with us for over a year and that doesn't exactly scream ROMANCE! So head to Walmart and pick up your own KY Yours + Mine.

Starting in January you can get a 1 free meal for two people from delivered to your door for an intimate night of cooking together, a $5 VUDU movie credit for you to stream right at home and the pleasure of K-Y Yours+Mine Couples Lubricants. (A $50 Value!) Perfect for a date night in!

Not comfortable picking it up in the store? Grab one HERE!

KY Yours+Mine

And here is a little bonus tip: Shut off the tv! I am terrible about this. I watch tv, or catch up on old shows online once the kids go to bed. We've been trying to shut the tv off and play cards lately. It's so nice to sit and talk while doing an activity rather than sitting on the couch not saying much (or anything) to each other.

For more great ways to improve your relationship in the New Year, visit

What do you do to keep the romance going in your relationship?


1 comment :

  1. I like the idea that it's okay to do things separately. It's hard to not feel guilty at times, taking a night off with girlfriends, but it really does help me to be a better wife and mother when I get some down time. #client
