I searched high and low for something that would keep my attention and keep me interested enough to do day after day. Normally within a few minutes of the quiet, deep breaths I'm bored and give up, or I can't stand the voice of the person (yogi) doing the video. Then...
I found Do You Yoga on YouTube. Erin is great, she calls herself Bad Yogi. On her site, she hosts a 30 Day Challenge. Which I am doing, happily.
I didn't know that yoga could hurt! I feel the burn. In my abs, legs, arms, etc. I definitely wasn't expecting it. I love it.
Each day is focusing on something different. The videos are 12-20 minutes long. While the videos are great for fitting in during naptime or early in the morning, I've been doing them with my girls. Yoga has worked for calming down over excited, house bound children. Stretching out some energy.
These workouts are, I think, good for anyone, at any level. I can't do Downward Dog like she does, but she demonstrates other ways to do it, and she does so for most things. Which has been great as a beginner.
I have keep up with this, for the first time ever and feel better for it. I am more rested, my digestive system is working better, I feel better in general. If I haven't done it yet, by about noon, especially if I have spent the morning on the computer, I am really looking forward to that stretching.
I'd love if you'd join me in this challenge. I have shared a few videos of the challenge on Pinterest, I created a new board for it and hope to add more soon, as well as I have shared a few pictures on Instagram... not easy to yoga and take a picture at the same time.
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