But then a few months into my weight loss journey I found out I had Gall Stones and had to have my Gall Bladder out. Not only could I not run for several weeks, it was going into winter and while I didn't give up on better eating, I wasn't doing near as good and I wasn't running at all.
March of 2014 I decided I was going to do a half marathon in the fall and started running again. I got off to a good start and then my mom passed away. While I knew I needed to be running to get myself prepared for my half marathon, I just didn't care. I spent a lot of last summer laying in my bed, or on the couch, watching tv and movies with the kids. Runs happened, but they were few and far between. At this point I had gained back about 12 of the 30 I had lost the summer before.
In August I had decided it was time to wean Summer from breastfeeding. We were approaching 23 months and I was so happy with that. It was a very accomplishing feeling and while I was sad knowing I wouldn't have another baby to bond with the same way, I was really happy with how long we made it. And I won't lie, I was looking forward to being done, especially because Summer loved her nursing time and I'm pretty sure she wouldn't have given it up on her own.
While I wasn't really prepared for it, I ran/walked my half marathon in October and though I practically fell over as soon as I crossed the finish line, I was so happy that I did it.
After we weaned I gained weight pretty rapidly. Between mid August and the end of December I gained back the last 18 pounds that I had previously lost. I stepped on the scale on January 1st of this year weighing exactly where I started in 2013 at 200lbs exactly.
The first half of January I basically did nothing. I kept thinking about how I wanted to feel comfortable in a swim suit when we go to Hawaii this year, but I wasn't doing anything about it. Then one day it hit me that sitting there wasn't going to get me any closer to my goal. That at least if I start now, it is better than nothing. And I could still feel comfortable in a swim suit. It's not like I'm planning to ever wear a bikini in my life, but I don't want to be mistaken for a beached whale either!
That weekend I went and joined a local gym. I picked the one I did because they have a "daycare" so I could go there while Tyler and Zach are at school. But after Summer got a stomach flu twice after I took her, I've basically decided that it's not worth it and I now go either before Travis goes to work, or after the kids go to bed at night.
The first few times I went I would do 35-40 minutes of walking/running on the treadmill, or I'd do the treadmill and then a bicycle. Then I started doing just the treadmill, trying to get an hour plus in each workout- which is about 4 miles for me right now. I know, I'm slow. But at least I'm doing it. Everyone has to start somewhere!
Then we came down with the flu. I actually started with a head cold and the next day Tyler was sick, then Summer, then me. So here I was sick with a head cold, and the stomach flu. We got rid of it and then Zachary started getting the head cold, and then I got it back! So for just about a week and a half I didn't go anywhere near the gym.
Then this past weekend I decided to get my bum in gear and to add some weights to my workout. And I'll just say that I'm feeling those weights today- But in a good way!
This time around I did something a little different. I didn't want to put a number on my weight loss. I didn't want to say I wanted to be a specific weight by a certain day. Or in a specific jean size. Instead, I've been making goals like running 100 miles by the time we leave for Hawaii. And averaging 10 minute miles instead of 15, etc. Because ultimately my goal isn't to weigh a certain amount, but to feel good in my own skin.
I'm just about 7 weeks in and I've already been able to tighten my bra straps and band- which is a win in my book! I've also logged 55 miles of running and right now need to be doing about 1.5 miles per day to stay on track- so I have some miles to run!
Now that I have shared some of my secrets and weight loss goals, what are your weight loss goals? What do you do to get and stay healthy?
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